Converting Any Wireless Frequency Into US Lectrosonics Blocks

You can find out what individual frequencies will fit into what US frequency block using some maths. Take the first part of the frequency in MHz (606.000 mHz is the first legal UK frequency) so let's use 606.000 and make it just 606 then get your calculator out and do 606 divided by 25.6 and the resulting number you will get is 23.671875. Now forget about the decimal numbers and now you know it is in block 23.

So UK frequency block 606.000 = 606.000 rounded to 606 divided by 25.6 = 23.671875 rounded = 23 = US Block 23

Try it with any frequency you have around the world to see if it fits into a US Block.


US Frequency Block Calculator

US Lectro Frequency Block Calculator

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